Scientific articles - Publications
Here you will find a selection of scientific publications (co-)written by researchers of the WODC. This includes contributions in important scientific periodicals, often peer-reviewed. These publications are written in a personal capacity. Articles from before 2017 can be found in our archive of scientific articles.
68 results
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Using data analytics results in practice: challenges and solution directions
S. Choenni, M.S. Bargh, N. Netten & S. van den Braak
Opening privacy Sensitive microdata sets in light of GDPR: the case of opening criminal justice domain microdata
M.S. Bargh, R. Meijer, M. Vink, W. Schirm, S. van den Braak & S. Choenni
Open Justice in the Netherlands: an overview
M.S. Bargh, S. Choenni & N. Netten
Method for Assessing the Openness of Semi-Open Data Initiatives: Applied to the Justice Domain
M.S. Bargh, S. Choenni, R. Meijer & S. Choenni
Towards Applying Design-Thinking for Designing Privacy-Protecting Information Systems
M.S. Bargh & S. Choenni
Realizing Secure and Privacy-Protecting Information Systems: Bridging the Gaps
M.S. Bargh
Neuroscientific insights and the Dutch Adolescent Criminal Law: A brief report
C.S. Barendregt & A.M. van der Laan
On the stickiness of territorial stigma: Diverging experiences in Amsterdam's most notorious neighbourhood
F.M. Pinkster, M.S. Ferier, & M.S. Hoekstra
A new instrument to measure prison climate: The psychometric quality of the prison climate questionnaire
A.Q. Bosma, E. van Ginneken, H. Palmen, A.J. Pasma, K.A. Beijerbergen, & P. Nieuwbeerta
Sex differences in self-regulation in early, middle and late adolescence: A large-scale cross-sectional study
M.A.J. van Tetering, A.M. van der Laan, C.H. de Kogel, R.H.M. de Groot, & J. Jolles