Juvenile crime monitor now also available in English
As of this week the information about the juvenile crime monitor (JCM) is also available on the English website of the Scientific Research and Data Centre. The JCM describes trends and developments in juvenile crime focusing on individuals between the ages of 12 to 23. The monitor started at the beginning of this century. The research is repeated and parts of the results are published inbetween the Monitor reports. In the summer of 2024 the new JCM will be published. Data about juvenile suspects and punishment and measures of criminal juveniles are already available.
The JCM is a collaborative effort between the Scientific Research and Data Centre (‘WODC’) and Statistics Netherlands (‘CBS’). It utilizes registered data from police, prosecutorial, and judicial sources, as well as self-report data derived from a national Youth Delinquency Survey YDS). Additionally, in-depth studies on specific topics of interest are conducted, which allows us to provide a comprehensive description and interpretation of the extent and severity of juvenile crime in a broader context.