In-depth studies
In-depth content studies are regularly conducted as part of the Juvenile Crime Monitor (JCM). Through researching specific types of offenses or certain groups of juveniles, the actual extent of the offending behavior or the subgroup can be mapped out. These in-depth studies provide tools for a tailored approach to juvenile crime and also contribute to an enhanced understanding of trends and developments in juvenile crime.
Latest update: September 2024
Recently Published In-depth Studies
Ongoing In-depth Studies
- The Application of Adult Criminal Justice Provisions to Juveniles (expected beginning 2024)
Selection of previous In-depth WODC JCM Studies
- Beerthuizen, M. G. C. J., van Leijsen, E. M. C., & Van der Laan, A. M. (2019). Risk and protective factors during childhood and early adolescence for high impact crime in later adolescence and young adulthood (summary). The Hague: WODC.
- Rokven, J., Weijters, G., & Van der Laan, A. M. (2017). Juvenile delinquency in the virtual world A new type of offenders or new opportunities for traditional offenders? (summary) The Hague: WODC.
- Van der Laan, A.M. en Blom, M. (2011). More juvenile suspects of crime, but why? (summary) The Hague: WODC.
- Van der Laan, A.M. en Blom, M. (2006). Juvenile delinquency: risks and protective factors. (summary) The Hague: WODC.