Scientific articles - Publications

Here you will find a selection of scientific publications (co-)written by researchers of the WODC. This includes contributions in important scientific periodicals, often peer-reviewed. These publications are written in a personal capacity. Articles from before 2017 can be found in our archive of scientific articles.

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  1. Cohort Profile: The Prison Project: A study of criminal behavior and life circumstances before, during and after imprisonment in the Netherlands

    A.J.E. Dirkzwager, P. Nieuwbeerta, K.A. Beijersbergen, a.o.

  2. Smart monitoring of the criminal justice system

    J. van Dijk, S. Kalidien & R. Choenni

  3. On the usability of big (social) data

    S. Choenni, N. Netten, M. Shoae Bargh & R. Choenni

  4. Challenges of big data from a philosophical perspective

    S. Choenni, N. Netten, M. Shoae Bargh & R. Choenni

  5. Quality of life, delinquency and psychosocial functioning of adolescents in secure residential care: Testing two assumptions of the Good Lives Model

    C.S. Barendregt, A.M. van der Laan, I. Bongers & Ch. van Nieuwenhuizen

  6. Development and use of data-centric information systems to support policymakers: Applied to criminal justice systems

    S. van den Braak & S. Choenni

  7. Transnational families between Ghana, the Netherlands and the UK

    K. Caarls, D. Schans, V. Mazzucato, P. Quartey, & C.A. Tagoe

  8. Criminal Markets: The Dark Web, Money Laundering and Counterstrategies An overview of the 10th Research Conference on Organized Crime

    J. Weber & E.W. Kruisbergen

  9. From health to financial problems: multiproblems among victims of partner and non-partner physical violence, and matched nonvictims

    P.G. Velden, M. Das, C. Contino & L.M. van der Knaap

  10. The Praxis of HR Analytics

    N. Netten, S. Choenni, & M.S. Bargh