Scientific articles - Publications

Here you will find a selection of scientific publications (co-)written by researchers of the WODC. This includes contributions in important scientific periodicals, often peer-reviewed. These publications are written in a personal capacity. Articles from before 2017 can be found in our archive of scientific articles.

68 results

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  1. Reconstructing with trace information: Does rapid identification information lead to better crime reconstructions?

    M. de Gruijter, C.J. de Poot & H. Elffers

  2. Rapid identification information and its influence on perceived clues at the crime scene: An experimental study

    M. Gruijter, C. Nee & C.J. de Poot

  3. The intra-EU Mobility Regime: Differentiation, Stratification and Contradictions

    G. Engbersen, A. Leerkes, P. Scholten & E. Snel

  4. Examining the reactive proactive questionnaire in adults in forensic and non-forensic settings: A variable- and person-based approach

    S. Brugman, L.M. Cornet, D. Smeijers, K. Smeets, S. Oostermeijer, J.K. Buitelaar, R.J. Verkes, J. Lobbestael, C.H. de Kogel ...

  5. Changing organizational structures of jihadist networks in the Netherlands

    J.L. de Bie, C.J. de Poot, J.D. Freilich & S.M. Charmak

  6. Sex offenders in prison: Are they socially isolated?

    C.J.W. van den Berg, K.A. Beijersbergen, P. Nieuwbeerta & A.J.E. Dirkzwager

  7. The impact of the release of Grand Theft Auto V and registered juvenile crime in the Netherlands

    M.G.J.C. Beerthuizen, G. Weijters & A.M. van der Laan

  8. On Addressing Privacy in Disseminating Judicial Data: Towards a Methodology

    Bargh, M.S., R. Choenni & R. Meijer

  9. Studying Ethnic Disparities in Sentencing: The Importance of Refining Ethnic Minority Measures

    H.T. Wermink, S. van Wingerden, J. van Wilsem & P. Nieuwbeerta

  10. African Migration: Diversity and Changes

    B. Schoumaker, M.L. Flahaux, C. Beauchemin, D. Schans, V. Mazzucato, P. Sakho